Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mini Game

Was it hard to make your mini game?
Inserting the code so the bunny and other objects could move, but in the end I got it.
What was the best part of this topic?
Creating the mini game and changing how fast or slow you want the objects to move.

what was the worst part?
the worst part is when you mess up and you have to start all over again.


  1. I agree arit it was pretty dificult but now in 8th grade its much easier.

  2. Very true its hard but at the end you will get it.

  3. I know what you mean its was difficult but when you have to restart that terrible. You lose every thing but now that we know much more its not so bad.

  4. I get you and I didn't get it the first time to but I got it in the end.
