Friday, September 9, 2011

How old were you on September 11, 2001?
I was 3 years old
When did you first learn about the attacks and who explained the events to you?
In fourth grade while my teacher explained what had happened. she told us that the planes got high jacked and crashed into the towers. and that moments later the towers fell.
What kind of impact did these attacks have on your life or your parents lives?
I don't know but i guess they felt bad at that time, because you don't know what else is going to happen.
What was the issue with this game?
It was recreating the tragedy of 9/11
How do you feel about it?
well, the game is recreating the 9/11 crash. so i don't think it would be a good idea.

What is the problem with portraying on such an awful violent event through a video game?

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