Thursday, February 4, 2010


the game creation was kind of challenging becauswe you had to create your own game idea not knowing it lets say people making a new car they cant make it the same they have to make it difernt because if its the same they wont buy it.but i had fun with it because you could made it easy or hard thats why and my grouo not much trouble.but they were paying atention they were doing a lott if work thats why i lked it.and i think my group did a good job because they put effort in to it even thought they got a little distracted but they did greate as a group. the presentatin was great because we got to present the thing we did im glad i had a team.i got to be there leader it was a little com plicated because they some times went of or were playin around but they did great.the team was distracted but was on the line. i think it will go well because we did good the first time but im not sure what will hapen next

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