Ive learned this week is about how using flash and action scripting . we watched a video about how to use the flash action script.and we also used the flash to make video game clip.and we started with the basics just putting the pictures in square its really simple.so now we can move on to the next step.I'm also learning to update the learning log its really easy i have been trying to memorise the vocabulary words.I feel good about learning flash because its great that we can move on to something else then just get stuck at the same thing.i hope i learn to make a video by my self and create cool games .I'm struggle ling with the wiki and stuff sometimes i get
lost.and then i cant keep track of things so much but the good thing is that i like learning. so i hope i learn allot so i can use it in the future.i also hope to learn how to post the pictures in google or in youtube and stuff like that so i hope i learn alot this year.
Flash Tutorial: - The best bloopers are here<
Flash Tutorial:How to Insert Sound in a Button - For more funny movies, click here
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