Monday, May 21, 2012

Globeys Article

1. What did you think about the article?
I thought it was pretty cool and that he told his opinions and what he thought of our games.
2. How did it make you feel to read about your school and Globaloria, a program that you participate in.
Well I'm glad that people get to know things about our school and that we do great things like flash and create games that can teach others.
3. If your game was featured in the article, how did it make you feel? Proud, happy?
I really don't know I guess I was glad that at least it got mentioned int the article.
4. If your game was not featured in the article, what would you like for the author to have said about your game?
Even if our game wasn't mentioned, i would be ok with it since its technically not the best.
5. Which game do you think the author should have mentioned in his article and why?
I'm not sure, the games that he mentioned are pretty good and some are informational but other than that I think he did a great job.

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